Privacy Policy

Your privacy is a big deal for us, that is, we consider it very important. We aim to make your journey on the Internet so much fun and rewarding, and at the same time we want you to use the Internet's great collection of information, tools and opportunities with confidence.

We have made this Privacy Policy to prove our strong support for privacy and security. The Privacy Policy explains to us the ways in which our company gets the information from the all the Internet users of our Services which can be either the ones who just surf our website (the "Visitors") as well as those who may buy our Products and/or pay for a monthly service (the "Members")-what we do with the information that we get and the choices that the Visitors and the Members haveWe ask you to take the time to go through this Privacy Policy.

Your Personal Information is collected by Our Company and It Is Used in This Way.

Introduction: We, as a company, get information from the Visitors and the Members who visit different parts of our Services and the network of Web sites accessible through our Service. We mainly use this data in order to give a unique experience to each of your Products and Services, and we do not usually share this information with any third party. Nevertheless, we could inform personal information which we have gathered beforehand or in the special cases, where we think that such disclosure is required by law or other specific cases below.

Registration: The members may have to give some of their private information like name, address, telephone number, billing information (for example, a credit card number), and the type of the personal computer they use to access the Services when they sign up for our Products or Services. The personal data collected from the Members during the registration process is utilized for the management of each Member's account (for instance, for billing purposes). This info is not given to other persons, unless the person is told otherwise or in certain cases.

Yet, in case our company and a partner co-operate in the promotion of our Services, we may hand over to the partner certain personal information, for example, the name, address, and username of people who opted for the Services because of the joint promotion, so that we and the partner can check the results of the promotion.

In the case, the partner will only use the personal information for the purpose the person gave. Besides we can also create non-profiling and aggregated profiles from personal information that Members give us during registration (for instance, the total number of Members but not their names). To give a full explanation, we can use this combination of aggregated and non-identifying information to sell advertisements that appear on the Services.

Our Company Partners and Sponsors: Some customers and members may be given by Visitors and Members in connection with an affiliate, independent contractor seller or non-affiliated partner. The partner might have to gather and keep personal data for the Visitors and Members in order to give them some of these services and products. In these cases, you will be advised beforehand that the data will be collected or transferred and later you can opt not to use that specific service or feature.

Besides, the partners may the advertisements or co-branded Web Pages that are sponsored by an affiliate, independent contractor seller, or non-affiliated partner. We may provide non-identifying and aggregate information (except as mentioned above), but not personal information, to our partners to administer the co-branded products or services offered.

Online Shopping: Some Web sites allow you to buy products and services or sign up to receive materials like a newsletter, catalog or new product and service updates, among others. In most of the situations, you will be required to give out your contact information, like your name, address, email address, phone number, and credit/debit card information.

If you do an ordered for someone else, such as an online gift order that is sent directly to a recipient, you might be asked to give the recipient's name, address, and phone number. Our company is powerless in the third parties' use of any personal data that you give them when placing an order for such a thing. So, be careful when talking to them.

As for services or products that you order directly from our company, we will use the personal information you give us for the processing of that order only. The information is not disclosed to anyone except the necessary people to deliver the order.

Online Advertisements: Our company can possibly have our online ads on. In the cases where we select advertisers, we exchange anonymized and aggregated information about our Visitors and Members including membership data which is collected through the registration process and online surveys and promotions with these advertisers.

Besides, in some cases, we employ the aggregated and anonymized information for showing customized advertisements or the combination of the two companies. For example, a business or an enterprise that wants to get the audience they need gives us a target audience and a advertisement that is made for the audience. By means of the aggregated and non-identifying information that we have collected, we may then present or send the advertisement to the desired audience. We do not give out the personal info of our Visitors or Members to these advertisers or joint venture companies.

Responses to Email Inquiries: When Visitors or Members send email inquiries to our company, the same email address that they used to send the questions is also used to answer the email inquiries we receive. Our company does not use the return email address for anything else and does not let any third party use it.

Voluntary Customer Surveys: We may, from time to time, both business and individual customer surveys that will be commissioned. We push our customers to take part in these surveys because they give us the information that we need to develop better products and services for our customers and how we will be providing them to you. Your personal data and replies will be kept secret and intact, even if the survey is carried out by a third person. The survey in customer feedback is on a voluntary basis.

We can utilize the data that we get from the customers who answer our customer surveys and merge (or aggregate) it with the responses of other customers that we may have, to develop broader, generalized responses to the survey questions (such as gender, age, residence, hobbies, education, employment, industry sector, or other demographic information). After collecting and summarizing the information we give you, we use the data to make our services better for you, and to develop new services and products. The information which is used to create the aggregated, non-personally identifiable data may be handed to the third parties.

Promotions: Our company may be the one that gives away polls, contests, sweepstakes, drawings, games, content, or other promotions that are sponsored by or cobranded with third parties. In some situations, companies may have to give the personally identifiable information of the winners to the third parties. Our company doesn't control the way third parties use this information.

You may be put in a lottery, contest, or other promotion by making a purchase from us or by giving us your personally identifiable information for some other reason or purpose. Once the winning entries are picked, only the names and the personal info of the winners are given to the organization that administers the sweepstakes or contest so they can let the winners know.

Special Cases: We have a company policy that forbids us to use or share the personal information of Members or Visitors unless it is related to the ones that are mentioned above or we also give you an opportunity to opt out or otherwise to not allow such unrelated uses.

However, we may disclose personal information about Visitors or Members, or information regarding your use of the Services or Web sites accessible through our Services, for any reason if, in our sole discretion, we believe that it is reasonable to do so, including: credit agencies, collection agencies, merchant database agencies, law enforcement, or to meet the requirements of the law, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Child Online Privacy Act, regulations, or governmental or legal requests, in order to disclose the necessary information to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Acceptable Use Policy or Terms Of Service, or other

Notice of the Compliance to the California Residents - Your California Privacy Rights Based on the California Online Privacy Protection Act and the California Business and Professions Code

This privacy policy mentions the kinds of personally identifiable information that our company gathers through our website or online service, about individual consumers who use or visit our company's business website or online service and the categories of third-party persons or entities with whom our company may share that personally identifiable information.

Our company has no policy on the process of the customer who uses or visits our commercial Web site or online service to review and request changes to his or her personally identifiable information that is collected through our Web site or online service.

Look at the section that is called "Revisions To This Policy" for the process how our company informs the consumers who use or visit our commercial Web site or online service of the material changes to our company's privacy policy for this Web site or online service.

The effective date of this privacy policy is shown at the end of this privacy policy, under the heading "Last updated. "

For the purposes of this policy and California compliance the following definitions apply:For the purposes of this policy and California compliance the following definitions apply:

According to the kind of visitor's activity, the following "personally identifiable information" may be collected, apart from the information that is already mentioned in other sections of this document, in our commercial Web site or online service.

The term "personally identifiable information" means individually identifiable information about an individual consumer collected online by our company from an individual and maintained by our company in an accessible form, and may include any of the following:The term "personally identifiable information" means individually identifiable information about an individual consumer collected online by our company from an individual and maintained by our company in an accessible form, and may include any of the following:

The use of the first and last name.

"The given sentence is about "Cookies" and How Our Company Uses Them. A "cookie" is a tiny data file that can be stored on your hard drive when you visit some websites. Our company could employ cookies to collect, store, and sometimes track information for statistical purposes to be able to enhance the products and services we provide and to control our telecommunications networks.

Once you are a Visitor or Member, we may install a cookie on your computer to remember your preferences and to offer you tailored and personalized services. Such cookies do not give third parties access to any of your customer data. Also, it is essential for you to know that if you go to other websites where you are asked to log in or that are customizable, you may be compelled to accept cookies.

The ad agencies and partners may also have their own cookies. We do not have the right to control the use of these cookies and therefore expressly decline the responsibility for the data we get through them.

Public Forums: Please, keep in mind that any information you may reveal in any Member Directory or, in general, in any other public area of our websites or the Internet, becomes public information. You should be careful when you are about to tell your personal information to the public in the places that are used for public gathering.

Our Company's Commitment to Data Security: We have security systems and Web pages that protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Even though we try to maintain the security and integrity of our network and systems, we cannot assure that our security measures will prevent those third-party "hackers" from the illegal taking of this information.

Where to Direct Questions About Our Privacy Policy: If you have any problems regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices presented here, you can contact us through the contact information on this Web site.

Revisions to This Policy: Our company has the authority to change, amend, or modify this policy, our Terms Of Service agreement, and our other policies and agreements any time and in any way, through the updating this posting. The use of this site after such changes are effected is your recognition and acceptance of such changes. I would advise you to read this privacy statement before using it every time, as it may contain some changes.

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